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Yoga has evolved into a rich system of practices which address the well being and harmony of the body and mind  on all levels. The abundant benefits from practicing yoga on a regular basis include and are not limited to:


•           Improved posture preventing muscle tiredness and headaches

•           A balanced endocrine system which controls hormone levels

•           Reduced muscle aches and pains

•           Enhanced balance and coordination

•           Improved circulation to supply brain and body with nutrients and eliminate toxins

•           A balanced metabolism and improved function of digestive system

•           Improved function of  respiratory system preventing and relieving breathing problems

•           A healthy and supple spine

•           Increased flexibility, strength and endurance of muscles

  "Yoga teaches us: Do not condemn the world. Deify the world by your deeds, purify the world by your utterances, and enoble the world by your presence"                    


-Selvarajan Yesudian

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The yoga Marie-Claire teaches is principally based in Hatha-Yoga and focuses on careful body alignment and breath awareness in a flowing manner. During a class she will refer to the ancient traditions and practices of yoga as well as having emphasis on the anatomy and physiology of a pose or movement. The constant theme is to never force anything and always listen to the body. The aim of MC's classes is to allow students to develop self-awareness, rejuvenate the body and deepen their knowledge of this ancient practice, in a friendly, safe and comfortable environment.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there"


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